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Fulton Oysterfest 2022 underway with its second day; Eric Mendez wins oyster eating contest

Eric Mendez took home the win with 91 oysters in 5 minutes; that's roughly an oyster every 3 seconds.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Oysterfest is in full swing over in Fulton, and Saturday saw a stunning victory in the oyster eating contest. Several participants challenged themselves, and each other, to eat as many raw oysters as possible in 5 minutes.

So having braved the competition, we congratulate Eric Mendez as 2022's victor! He ate an impressive 91 oysters to bring home the win. That's roughly an oyster every 3 seconds.

Believe it or not, this was actually Mendez's first time competing. His secret?

"Just eating them!"

Mendez dedicated his win to his friend and UPS worker, 'Nacho'.

The festival is hosted by the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department, and all proceeds go back to the department for equipment, training, and other needs.

Oysterfest continues today, and you can learn more information on their website at fultonoysterfest.org.

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