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Texas SandFest is back on track in Port Aransas

After last year's delay, it feels like Texas SandFest came early. But really, the fun is back on track and just in time for summer.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — It seems like we just had one, but with the delay to last year's Texas SandFest, there's nothing wrong with back to back! Saturday and Sunday, Port Aransas's beach is hosting dozens of artists from around the world.

Sculptors have been hard at work forming their art on site at mile marker 9. Some of the sculptures have to be seen to be believed.

Tourism officials with the city say that this weekend's party on the sand is a sign that this summer is going to be a great one.

Related: Port Aransas expected to see huge turnout for SandFest this year

The event is running from Apr. 8 to Apr. 10.

You can find a full schedule of events at portaransas.org.

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