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Perfect Addition: Octavian is full of love and is looking for a forever home

Octavian is a 13-year-old who loves to smile and play outside. He does well in school, cares for others and is looking for a forever home.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Octavian is a sweet and loving 13-year-old boy, who always has a smile, and enjoys being active playing outside. Some of his favorite activities are taking part in playing various sports, and like many children - video games.

Academically, Octavian does well in school and is proud of his accomplishments in the classroom. When interacting with others, his thoughtful and compassionate personality towards people around him shines through.

Ideally Octavian is seeking to be adopted by a mother and father who will be nurturing as he grows up as part of his forever family, as his caseworker says he longs for a sense of belonging and being a part of a loving family. Octavain is also fond of caring for pets, so a forever family home with pets would be great!

If you think you can be Octavian’s forever family or for another Texas child, please contact the department at 1-800-233-3405, for more information about adoption or visit this site where you can also find a schedule of online public information meetings where you can learn more about the foster/adoption program.

Basic Requirements

The prospective foster/adoptive parents may be single or married and must:

  • be at least 21 years of age, financially stable, and responsible mature adults,
  • complete an application (staff will assist you if you prefer),
  • share information regarding their background and lifestyle,
  • provide relative and non-relative references,
  • show proof of marriage and/or divorce (if applicable),
  • agree to a home study which includes visits with all household members,
  • allow staff to complete a criminal history background check and an abuse/neglect check on all adults in the household, and
  • attend free training to learn about issues of abused and neglected children.

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