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CCPD award ceremony honors both police, civilian department members

Some of the awards given at the CCPD award ceremony include life-saving, certificates of merit, and civilian employee of the year.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — An award ceremony recognized excellence among the Corpus Christi Police Department.

Life-saving awards were given, as well as certificates of merit, and civilian employee of the year.

CCPD Lt. Michael Peña was also awarded for 13 years of service as Honor Guard Supervisor.

Peña said he is proud of his unit’s dedication to their often-difficult line of work.

He also paid respect to officers who gave their lives in the line of duty – both in service to Corpus Christi and across Texas.

"We’re acknowledging the good work our officers do on a day-to-day basis,” Peña said. “We have a whole force of great officers that could’ve been up here receiving awards."

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