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Nueces County probation department takes extra precautions towards sex offenders for Halloween

According to Probation officer Melinda Chapa making extra visits this month helps ensure the safety of local residents.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Nueces County Probation Department is doing its part by keeping an eye on registered sex offenders in the community.

As children prepare for trick-or-treating, so is probation officer Melinda Chapa. 

"Just remember at 7 p.m. your lights go off, so no outside lights on," Chapa said as she visited the home of one offender in Corpus Christi.

3News accompanied Chapa as she checked on sex offenders to make sure they know the rules they must abide by for Halloween. Offenders are not allowed to hand out candy, or decorate their homes in any way and their lights must be off.

"A lot of times they live with parents or relatives and their families put out decorations.  Unfortunately they can't have them out," Chapa said. 

Chapa's checklist proved to be lengthy, with over 70 people to follow up with.  

"We hit up all the places in Corpus Christi, more than one team on the streets during this time. We go to Mathis, Calallen, Annaville, people are all over the place," Chapa said. 

According to Chapa she makes contact with individuals on probation monthly. However, due to children being on the streets on Halloween, it's even more important to make visits. 

"The reason why it's important we are doing this during Halloween is to eliminate the temptation that may be there," Chapa said. 

While accompanying Chapa 3News met an offender who agreed to speak with us under the condition that he remain anonymous. 

"I'm still the same person who committed a crime, I don't call it a mistake. It's not, I'm answering for my crime, I'm learning. The things I'm learning in family counseling, the things I can learn in every area of my life," the offender said. 

Additionally he said there are a number of reasons why someone might end up on the sex offender registry, but agrees Halloween could act as a trigger for some.  

"Absolutely especially if someone is attracted to minors, boys and girls, it's not so much the people who are...unregistered are the ones you need to look out for," He said. 

As an added measure Chapa said they are holding a lock in for some sex offenders who will have to report to their office building on Halloween night. The resident will have to remain in their building for at least four hours where they can be watched. 

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