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Aransas Pass ISD prepares for 2020-2021 school year

The district delayed the start of the 2020-2021 school year until August 24th. In the first two weeks, students will be doing online learning only.

ARANSAS PASS, Texas — On Thursday, 3 News talked with Aransas Pass Independent School District Superintendent, Cara Cooke about the changes to the upcoming school year.

"We're trying to find a way to keep everyone safe and do what needs to be done in that realm while trying to move towards what the new normal will look like," Cooke said.

Cooke said the district delayed the start of the 2020-2021 school year until August 24th.

In the first two weeks, students will be doing online learning only.

"Every student will have a chrome book to use," Cooke said.

The district also placed an order for wifi hotspots for around all of the campuses and for take homes.

"We'll have those to provide to any families that do not have internet access in the home," Cooke said.

Cooke said parents don't have to worry about school supplies for the year. The district will provide school supplies along with curbside breakfast and lunch for students.

But, how will things look when returning to the classroom?

A registration survey by APISD said 50 percent of parents are ready to send their kids back to school.

"The plan is to offer choice where they will be able to continue with the home based virtual learning experience," Cooke said. "Or they may choose to start coming to the campuses after labor day on September 8th."

When in the buildings, everyone must where masks and temperature checks will be taken before entry.

"We're actually looking at a program checks can be taken by students r students with their families and staff members can do it electronically," Cooke said.

What Kind of resources is the district offering for students with special needs?

"We've purchased special programs like a tela-therapy program that will provide related services like speech, OT and PT," Cooke said.

The special education staff spoke with families individually about their concerns.  

Some districts across Texas have reported teachers resigning because of COVID-19 fears.

Cooke said only one teacher and two para-professionals decided to retire early.

"No one wanted the school year to start like this," Cooke said. "No one wanted to be in these circumstances that we have found ourselves in but it's time where we control what we can control, and we make the best of it."

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