Saily Bah, 12, is using a past ordeal to teach other kids that they aren’t alone. She details her experience with racism in her new children’s book "Rise Above."
She told Local 5 that publishing the book was easier than expected, and it took her about three weeks to complete it. From the writing to the illustrations: she did it all herself.
While in 5th grade, a group of boys at Bah’s school called her racial slurs and told her that Black people shouldn’t be allowed to do certain things.
“I had never heard that type of thing said towards anybody before, and I was confused as to why that would even happen,” Bah said.
Bah’s mother, Rohey Salah, said that same week, in a separate incident, a classmate called Bah a monkey.
“It was a very emotional day for both of us actually discussing what happened and, like, trying to process through it,” Salah said.
After those racist incidents, Bah started writing a speech to read to her class.
But she quickly realized she could have a greater impact outside the classroom. Other kids and even adults could learn from her experience too.
“I hope that people can understand that accepting differences and saying the right things is what you need to be doing to be successful in your life,” Bah said.
Bah’s book teaches kids not to let bullies bring them down. It also encourages people to call out hurtful comments, educating bullies on why what they said is wrong.
“The best way to deal with these situations is to turn a negative situation into a positive one,” Bah said.
"Rise Above" can be purchased on Bah’s website. All proceeds from book sales will go directly towards her college fund.