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Derek Parra takes plea deal

Following judicial complications, the Derek Parra case has finally reached a conclusion.
Credit: Corpus Christi Police
Derek Parra

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As we reported, Derek Parra has been found not guilty of murder and aggravated assault.

However, Parra pled guilty to a charge of felon in possession of a firearm and has agreed to a plea deal. He has taken 5 years in prison and a $1,000 fine for his charges.

RELATED: Texas Judge Inna Klein recuses herself of Derek Parra case

Following the controversy with Judge Inna Klein, the case received a new judge to oversee proceedings. The Honorable Adolfo Cordova of Cameron county presided over the case.

Despite these complications, the punishment hearing proceeded smoothly and saw a resolution to this case.

For more updates on the situation with Judge Inna Klein, stay with us at kiiitv.com or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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