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Law enforcement still searching for Bee County escaped inmate

40-year-old Steven Servantes is wanted after running away from an escort during community work.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — An inmate that escaped from the Bee County Jail on Saturday has still not been found, Sheriff Alden Southmayd told 3News on Monday.

40-year old Steven Servantes walked away from the Bee County Jail just after noon on Saturday, Jan. 15 as he was throwing away trash with two other inmates and an escort, Southmayd said. 

The escort immediately reported the escape via radio communications but had to get the other two inmates back into a secured area before looking for Servantes.

Servantes had been convicted in 1996 for aggravated assault with serious bodily injury.

Servantes has several tattoos, most noticeably on his neck and chin. 

If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact the Bee County Sheriff’s Office (361)-362-3223.

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