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How to keep your child secured in cooler weather, safety expert weighs in

Coastal Bend mother Amanda Schwabe, learned how to properly secure her child while researching new car seats.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Experts at Driscoll Children's Hospital were able to provide insight on child safety while in the car. 

According to Driscoll Safety Coordinator, Karen Beard car seat manufacturers don't want anything between the child and the harness, other than clothing. 

Beard even said that one layer can leave a car seat to lose, which can make the seat ineffective in the case of a crash. 

“We are so comfortable with our temperatures that when we do have a cold front we bundle up very carefully, and we need to be very careful,” Beard said. 

Coastal Bend mother Amanda Schwabe, learned how to properly secure her child while researching new car seats. 

“I think a lot of moms think it's safe to have a bulky jacket on but it’s actually the opposite,” Schwabe said. 

Additionally, Beard said you can skip the jacket and place a blanket on top of the fastened harness, and advises against additional layers. 

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