CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — What began as a regular day for Vessey ended in a night he'll never forget.
"I reached over to turn off the light and I couldn't lift my arm and I said 'well what's going on here?' Vessey said. "I tried to get out of bed and couldn't move my right leg, so I basically fell out of bed and I couldn't walk."
Vessey was having a stroke that put him in the hospital for over two weeks. It affected the right side of his body. Vessey said he was healthy and in good shape, but was aware of the fact that strokes did have a place in his family history.
"My dad died of a stroke," Vessey said. "He was in the hospital and he had a stroke overnight and he was sleeping and the doctors and nurses didn't realize it until the next morning."
Vessey said the moment he learned that some risk factors for strokes were hereditary, he picked up the phone and called family.
"I had to let my sister know," Vessey said. "My dad still has two living cousins, I had to let them know cause it's in the family, they may not know."
Vessey said taking action in your own health can possibly save you from being in a hospital bed later.
"Before you have a life-threatening event, take care of yourself, watch your blood pressure and check your family history," Vessey added.
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