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How climate change is affecting human health

Experts said climate change will trigger food shortages, deadly disasters and disease outbreaks that would rival the toll of the novel coronavirus.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A top medical journal is warning climate change is set to become the defining narrative of human health. 

Experts said climate change will trigger food shortages, deadly disasters and disease outbreaks that would rival the toll of the novel coronavirus.

Rising temperatures are bringing higher rates of heat illness, more insects are carrying tropical diseases and plant pollen in the air is worsening asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

These reasons, and many more, are driving dozens of health experts to start aggressive efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. This, experts said, could avert millions of unnecessary deaths. 

Dr. Salim Surani joined First Edition live to discuss the impacts of climate change on our health. Watch the interview in full above. 

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