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Island Report: Crews work to get the beach back to normal after the active hurricane season

If you head out to the beach on Padre Island these days be prepared to share the beach with heavy earth-moving equipment.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — With the hurricane season finally winding down, but storms that have come through this summer have moved around the most sand that most of us have ever seen.

The tidal surge on Friday as Delta pushed water to the top of the seawall and in a rare instance all the way over the top or the Packery Jetties. As the water came in, it moved the sand.

When Hurricane Hanna come though the sand was piled all the way to the top of the seawall and just as crews were getting it back out to the water Delta came along and moved it back.

This is the new Island lullaby as crews pile it up, move it out, and put it back in the water to widen the beach.

Along Packery Channel the debris line is well behind the dunes and most all the sand in dunes was dredged from Packery Channel and moved here by Mother Nature.

On Whitecap beach the markers and trash cans have been moved back as the dune line has retreated more than fifty feet in some places. The lanes where we used to drive before the summer storms are now out there under several feet of water.

The Packery Jetties have also felt the brunt of the summer storms even as are still showing damage from Hurricane Harvey three years ago.

So now the crews have an end of the season chance to catch up moving sand. At least until we see this again and the process starts over.

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