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33-year-old murder revisited: Friend of Mark Kilroy gives haunting warning ahead of Spring Break

"Even in the southern region of Texas, they still talk about Mark's death every spring break," said Ryan Fenley.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As thousands of college students prepare to flock south this weekend for 'Texas week' of Spring Break, one local man said this time of year always opens old wounds.

It was back in 1989 when 21-year-old Mark Kilroy, a University of Texas Austin college student was killed by narco-Satanists while spending Spring Break in Mexico.

Kilroy's friend, Ryan Fenley said next week will mark 33 years since his friend's death.

"He wanted to become a medical doctor, that was his intent," Fenley said. "Majoring in bio-chemistry at UT Austin." 

Kilroy was kidnapped off the street, tortured and sacrificed by members of a cult. His remains were discovered the next month on a ranch along with other victims. 

"Even in the southern region of Texas, they still talk about Mark's death every Spring Break," Fenley said.

Fenley added that he was supposed to go on the trip, but changed his mind last minute.  Instead, he went to New Mexico for a ski trip--  a decision he often thinks about.

"I didn't understand, because it was out of my character.  I was so hot on going. For me to have a change of heart, I think it was a protective angel watching over me at that time," Finley said. 

Several books and even a movie have been based on the horrific crime. Fenley has kept newspaper clippings about the case. He often speaks at churches and college campuses about what happened to his friend, all in hopes of sparking conversations about tourism security and spring break safety. 

"Right now it's considered a Red Alert about American travelers going over the border, going to hot destinations," Finley said. "Be careful of the drug trafficking and the human trafficking involved, it's just not a good safe destination for fun." 

While Mexico is open to visitors, according to the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico, there's a level three travel advisory due to COVID-19. When it comes to crime, law enforcement has said it's always a good idea to use the buddy system and remain vigilant of your surroundings. 

"All it takes is one time," Fenley said.

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