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37th annual Jewish Food Festival returns

The event was a big hit, so big that the food sold out.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The 37th annual Corpus Christi Jewish Food Fest kicked off this weekend.

The event was a big hit, so big that the food sold out. The authentic Jewish goods included cabbage rolls; brisket plates, cugo green beans and matzaball soup.

The president of the Jewish Food Fest spoke with 3NEWS and explained how happy the organization is to be back in full operation since the event had been put on hold due to covid.  

President Sisterhood and CO Chair of Food Fest, Rikki Schmitchel said, "It's wonderful to be back to have our congregation, get back together have our teams that made the food it was just wonderful to be back together again that's why we had the big sign outside that said, we are back."

There was a sweet shop with traditional Jewish treats like ruggala hamantaschen and cheesecake.

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