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Adopting a high school senior gains popularity all across Texas

COVID-19 is changing the way students across the nation will remember their last days as a high school student.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A new group on Facebook is gaining some popularity as they show support for high school seniors across Texas. 

Our Mariah Gallegos talked with a few local students about how they became a part of it.

"For my family to see me walk the stage with all my class, and everyone i grew up with like practically everyone in that class i grew up with since middle school and not being able to cross the stage with my bestfriends it just breaks my heart," said Bianca Pena, Senior.

Like Bianca Pena, many other high school seniors are also missing out on memories like graduation and prom.

"I was kinda sad like when i heard because now we're not gonna have our senior pep rally that's what i was looking forward to the most," said Rachel Recio.

COVID-19 is changing the way students across the nation will remember their last days as a high school student.

"I've always dreamed of it throughout all of high school, like this year senior year's the year and like we wont be able to experience it," added Recio.

Bianca and Rachel are seniors at WB Ray High School, and because they're missing out on events they've been waiting on, members of a Facebook group are stepping in to support them during this time.

"My mom posted mine like without me knowing like after the fact she's like oh you've been adopted and i was like what do you mean," added Recio.

"Adopt a High School Senior", a group that is focused on finding seniors across Texas and people willing to send their support by card, gift baskets, and even food.

"It is cool cause its like it makes us feel good cause its like i wonder what they're gonna get us, it gives us something to look forward to," says Bianca Pena.

Both Ray High School seniors have been 'adopted' and have a message for those who are recognizing them during this time.

"I would say thank you like it truly warms our heart that actual people are acknowledging us," said Bianca Pena.

"Thank you, it really means something to come from a complete stranger, like taking responsibility, like its not their's, just to make you feel like special," added Rachel Recio.

Both students say although they're not able to enjoy the traditional 'senior' year, they know its helping keep everyone safe. 

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