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Beach to Bay Relay Marathon returns to Corpus Christi

"The City of Corpus Christi has gone out of their way to make sure that they want to put a spotlight on Corpus Christi," said Event Director Doug McBee.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — After a three-year hiatus, the Beach to Bay Marathon Relay is back! Thousands of runners made their way from Padre Island to downtown Corpus Christi.

"It's a beautiful run, it's a scenic run, and the City of Corpus Christi has gone out of their way to make sure that they put a spotlight on Corpus Christi," said Event Director Doug McBee. "They have cleaned this course immaculately from beginning to end and it's just beautiful."

Although there were fewer runners than previous years, some are running for more than just themselves. Bengi Zuniga, who works at Texas Oncology in Weslaco, said she had no choice but to get to the finish line. 

"As I'm running, I'm thinking about all my patients who have cancer. I thought about each one of them, especially those that are very, very sick," said Zuniga. "I'm not going to stop. If they don't stop, if they don't stop showing up for their treatment, I ain't going to stop either." 

For other runners, it was a whole new experience. Sergio Hernandez from Granbury has run a leg in the marathon for the last seven years. This year, he did the whole thing himself for the first time.

"I started out real good and at 20 miles I started getting the cramps. I had to stop at every watering stop, get some stretch, and I just keep going," added Hernandez.

For Louis Johnson, representing Special Olympics Team Texas, it was a chance to show that everyone can participate. "I want them to know that there's people like me that can actually do this, because I'm in soccer, representing Team Texas, I'm going to Disney World," said Johnson.

After the runners finally crossed the finish line, it was time to celebrate. Johnson cheered, "Go Team Texas and go Beeville Trojans!"

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