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Bishop Michael Mulvey submits 'traditional' resignation to the Pope on his 75th birthday

"This does not mean Bishop Mulvey is leaving us right away," the Diocese posted online Friday morning.
Credit: Diocese of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At 75 years old, Bishop Michael Mulvey wants parishioners to know that he plans to accomplish more before he officially retires from the Diocese of Corpus Christi. 

On Friday morning, he submitted a traditional letter of resignation to the Pope-- a requirement under Canon Law that means the bishop will be retiring at some point in the future when the Holy Father accepts the letter. 

The news doesn't necessarily mean the local religious leader will be leaving any time soon. The Diocese of Corpus Christi shared photos of the bishop signing the letter on his birthday, Aug. 23, as is custom in the Catholic faith, surrounded by his brother priests. 

"There are still things I would like to accomplish before my departure, and I may be asking for your help," said the bishop in a letter addressing parishioners. 

"I want to thank all of you for walking together with me in faith over these past fifteen years," Mulvey said. "...You have been a part of my life throughout these years, you will remain always in my prayers." 

Mulvey has served as the eighth ordained bishop of the diocese since 2010 after completing assignments throughout Texas and New York and Italy. 

 It could possibly be a few years before the bishop's replacement is named. The diocese shared the full letter from Bishop Mulvey explaining the process. You can read it here.

Credit: Diocese of Corpus Christi

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