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New CCISD bond will not increase resident taxes, goes before voters Nov. 5

The bond would build a new elementary school, renovate multiple campuses and provide upgrades to fine arts departments districtwide.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Corpus Christi ISD school board has approved putting a more than $135 million bond before voters Nov. 5.

According to Superintendent Dr. Roland Hernandez, the bond package would benefit the most students and staff without increasing the tax rate.

"We did our due diligence an we're very conscious about the burden on taxpayers if we had a tax rate increase, so we stay within the bounds that allows us to make the improvements needed throughout the district without encumbering our residents with a tax increase," CCISD School Board President Don Clark said. 

Clark said the bond package includes a new campus located next to the Yeager site to house students from Kostoryz, Sanders and Yeager elementary schools. 

Students would continue classes in their current school until the new school opens, which is set for August 2026.

The same is planned for Sam Houston Elementary School which would be renovated to house their students as well as those from Fannin and Travis elementary schools.

CCISD Finance Director Karen Griffith explained why the district is building schools that combine existing schools' students.  

"We used to do neighborhood schools, so you put in a neighborhood school but when you look at the population and they're under 300, it's not efficient for you to have and run a whole campus for a low number of students," Griffith said. "And our buildings are aging and so we want our students in better buildings so that they have a better learning environment."

Clark said $3 million would help upgrade fine arts capability districtwide.  

"Moody High School, Veterans Memorial High School, we've got some fine arts upgrades we need to do, and a gymnasium for Haas Middle School. We really need the service there for the amount of students who are participating in sports," he said. 

Bond 2024 allocates $30 million to make interior renovations to King High School and Moody High School as well as provide a dedicated weight room at Veterans Memorial High School and eight additional classrooms to accommodate growth on the city's southside.

Hernandez thanked the school board saying that since 2008, the district has replaced nearly a third of its school buildings and renovated many others, 

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