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CCPD investigating 2 separate shootings

Officers on scene said they heard gun shots and secured a perimeter and began an hour long negotiation, where that person eventually came out.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two cases are under investigation after Corpus Christi Police said they could be related. 

Around 5:30 p.m. police were called out to a shooting on North Staples and Commanche. But while on the way to the location police were told one person was taken to the hospital. 

That victim remains in critical condition. While at the hospital, officers obtained information leading them to believe this was in connection to another incident on Van Loan and Nueces Street. 

There, police arrested two people, and another person ran inside. Officers on scene said they heard gun shots and secured a perimeter and began an hour long negotiation, where that person eventually came out. 

"It's actively being investigated to find out exactly what happened, and if both incidents are related," said Sr. Officer Travis Pace with CCPD.

There were no injuries to officers or individuals at the scene.

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