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City of Corpus Christi's Warrant Resolution Month kicks off: Here's what you need to know

It is the law, Judge Chapa said, that if you make a reasonable attempt to take care of the case, you cannot be arrested.
Credit: City of Corpus Christi

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi will not participate in the Texas Warrant Roundup, Corpus Christi Judge Chapa announced Monday. Instead, the City has set up a Warrant Resolution Month.

Warrant Resolution Month kicked off Monday.

Judge Chapa said the court will dedicate time to help solve cases where a person has a warrant through the municipal court.

It is the law, Judge Chapa said, that if you make a reasonable attempt to take care of the case, you cannot be arrested. 

Judge Chapa said options to take care of the warrant have expanded. If you don't have money to pay, you can ask to set up a payment plan, request community service, participate in a drug/alcohol training program or a work program.

"Together we can find the right option for you to take care of your responsibilities before you get arrested," Judge Chapa said.

Because the city is not participating in the Texas Warrant Roundup, there will be no two-week amnesty period, officials said. 

If you have received a pink postcard in the mail, you have an active warrant, officials said. 

Due to COVID-19, there are several ways to get in touch with someone to discuss your options. You can pay online at www.municipalonlinepayment.com/corpuschristitx, call 1-866-299-7084 to speak with someone who can assist you, email a request for a payment plan or community service at mcmail@cctexas.com, or drop payment at the Municipal Court dropbox at 120 N. Chaparral St. 

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