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Corpus Christi City Council updated on eight major street improvement projects

The projects were all approved by voters in previous bond programs and have a combined value of almost $72 million.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni gave councilmembers an update Tuesday on eight major street projects that are under construction throughout the city.

The projects include Ayers Street, Brawner Parkway, Callicoatte Road, Laguna Shores, Leopard Street, Ocean Drive, South Staples, and Swanter Drive. 

The projects were all approved by voters in previous bond programs and have a combined value of almost $72 million.

"The South Staples project is the longest lead, pretty massive project, concrete road on top of that, scheduled to be completed in summer of 2023," Zanoni said. "Just drove by there yesterday. Making real good progress."

The seven remaining projects are expected to be completed no later than fall of this year. 

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