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City of Corpus Christi asks the public to begin conserving water

The City provides water to nearly 500,000 people within the Coastal Bend, so making sure water is used wisely can potentially save residents money in the long run.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The City of Corpus Christi is making efforts to not only protect the environment but also to save residents money with their water bill.

Residents are asked to conserve water using rain barrels, which will help reduce runoff and is free water for residents to use for their property.

The City provides water to nearly 500,000 people within the Coastal Bend, so making sure water is used wisely can potentially save residents money in the long run. 

"Learn about your soil, get your hands on the ground, and you know, play around with that dirt and figure out what and how often I should water my grass," said Steve Ramos, Water Resource Manager for the City. 

The barrels will be available to purchase at the Central Cashiering office at City Hall. They will be sold for $47 each plus tax. 

Ramos said that aside from water barrels, there are other ways residents can conserve water in their households.

"Many people today have low flow showerheads are used, they're dishwashers are high efficiency appliances. Those are all great things about when you're wanting to conserve water," Ramos said. 

On top of lowering your bill, conserving water also helps the environment while also keeping it beautiful.

"Plants really love rainwater," said Renee Brown, incoming 1st Vice President of the Corpus Christi Area Garden Council. 

She adds that rainwater has nitrate in it, even though you can find fertilizers with nitrogen.

"It's more on a bio level. And there is also even some beneficial bacteria, rainwater so they really thrive from it," Brown said. 

The ingredient helps create lush foliage, plants that root faster and overall happier greenery.

"By conserving and harvesting our rainwater, it also reduces the water runoff into our bays and estuaries in our city," Brown said.

When it comes to educating future generations about the importance of water conservation, Brown said Corpus Christi has all the resources residents need to start learning now. 

"We have a great learning garden out in the children's museums right in front where you can learn about Xeriscape principles and how to use water, when to use water, and what kind of plants to use in your environment," Brown said.

For inquiries regarding rain barrels, call: 361-826-1817

To contact the Corpus Christi Area Garden Council, email them at: ccareagardencouncil@gmail.com

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