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City of Corpus Christi offering homebuyer down payment and closing cost assistance up to $35,000

If a homebuyer qualifies, they can receive up to $25,000 in down payment assistance, and up to an additiona
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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The City of Corpus Christi is offering Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance to income-eligible residents who meet the income guideline requirements. 

Qualifying homebuyers can receive up to $25,000 in down payment assistance and up to $10,000 for closing costs based on their need. Assistance is a zero percent (0%) forgivable loan, and the term varies from 5 to 10 years.

Households must have incomes at or below 80 percent of the area median to participate. The income limit is $55,450 for a family of four. 

The home purchased needs to be within the City of Corpus Christi city limits and and must meet the program's other requirements.

What you need to know about this program:

  • Down Payment assistance up to $25,000 
  • Closing costs assistance up to $10,000 
  • Must meet 80% income limit 
  • $173,000 is the maximum sale price for an existing home 
  • $238,000 is the maximum sale price for a new construction home
  • The home must be located within the Corpus Christi city limits 
  • Forgivable loan at 0% interest and term varies based on the amount of assistance

Applicants can visit the Neighborhood Services Department’s website at  www.cctexas.com/neighborhoodservices for more information or call (361) 826-3010.

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