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City of Corpus Christi looks to 'refresh' Selena statue

The goal is to have the original artist come out and to re-wax and strip the statue.

The famous Selena Quintanilla Memorial statue has been a staple in Corpus Christi for more than 20 years now, and the Arts and Cultural Commission want to make sure it remains in perfect condition for many more years to come.

"We are really focused on conservation and maintenance of all the public art maintenance in the city, that one in particular. That’s our special one, she’s our girl", said ACC liaison Shelly Rios.

Rios said they are looking into having the original artist come out and to re-wax and strip the statue as well as other add additional improvements that can be made to the Tejano legend's memorial.

"The rose also needs to be repainted, walls need to be repainted, lights restrung and re put up," Rios said.

The ACC believes it’s important to make sure the statue looks fresh for all the visitors who travel far and wide to see her for their selves-- like Yasmin Ramadan who is visiting from London, England to see one of her idols.

"I thought it was going to be darker than it was," Ramadan said. "I just came from the museum so I’m stopping at different places, but its gorgeous I love the flower- the notes on the floor -one from her husband it’s a real nice place a really nice memorial."

Rios said that on top of keeping the memorial beautiful they are also considering putting up surveillance cameras at the site.

"We've had some defacement lately- and it's unfortunate but it happens so we are going to work on getting cameras in," Rios said.

According to Rios, each memorial costs about 10,000 to keep up with every few years - and they are working on a rotating maintenance schedule for each of them based on priority.

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