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City of Corpus Christi Utilities Department to hold Water Quality Report Meeting

The meeting will start at 6 p.m. in the Choke Canyon Room at the Water Utilities Building located at 2726 Holly Road, July 17.

The Corpus Christi Utilities Department will hold a public meeting to discuss the 2016 Consumer Confidence Report on July 17.

The meeting will start at 6 p.m. in the Choke Canyon Room at the Water Utilities Building located at 2726 Holly Road.

This annual water quality report is required by the EPA and the TCEQ for distribution to customers of the City of Corpus Christi water distribution system.

A report was mailed to customers in May's utility bills that were distributed in June, and the report is online at www.corpuschristiwater.com.

Copies of the report will also be available at the meeting.

To request the information in Spanish, residents may call Water Utilities Department at (361) 826-1800.

For more information on this meeting, contact Utilities Project Manager Brittany Mouttet at (361) 826-1684 or email her at brittanym@cctexas.com.

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