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City of Corpus Christi launches beach danger campaign videos to educate residents

Lisa Oliver, Interim Assistant Director of the Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation, talked about some of the rules for beach safety.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Spring Break is in full swing for the next three weeks and officials are trying to make it safe for all beach visitors. 

Lisa Oliver, Interim Assistant Director of the Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation, discussed some of the rules for beach safety and many of them focused on rip currents. 

"The videos help pick what to do in the event that you are in a zip tide situation," Oliver said. "Also encouraging folks to be mindful of the beach warning flag colors." 

According to Oliver, the flag warnings are posted daily on the City website. One video focuses on the science of rip currents. 

The videos also discuss other beach safety tips such as maintaining fires on the beach. Although fires are legal, there can be problems with the wood you use. 

Other rules include staying out of emergency lanes on the beach, sticking to the posted speed limits, and making sure beach goers have their beach permits. 

For more information on rip currents and the threat they pose, click here

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