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Construction underway at Corpus Christi Watergarden

Just over a month ago, Corpus Christi City Council voted to spend $9 million to get the water flowing once again.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Watergarden complex is closed off from the public as crews are now working to rip out the guts of the iconic structure.

Workers have already begun removing concrete walkways, as they will eventually have to replace all of the underground pipes and controls.

Just over a month ago, the Corpus Christi City Council voted to spend $9 million to get the water flowing once again.

The complex has been out of operation since Hurricane Harvey flooded the underground equipment room.

Corpus Christi District 1 Councilman Everett Roy said that he is happy to see the project commence. 

"You know it always hurts when you spend that money but at the same time that site itself it's the number one visited site in the area at least in the past. The most photographed site," he said. 

Corpus Christi District 3 Councilman Roland Barrera said he wishes the project could have been brought to life sooner.

"I think if we'd done it long ago we would have probably shaved a couple of million dollars off it. I'm glad to see the contractor is being very aggressive he knows it's an important project to the community.  I'm glad to see it's going to get done," he said.

Officials said they hope the project will be completed before next summer.


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