CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi City Council is going to be taking up the desalination issue again at its meeting - next Tuesday.
City staff said that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has been slow in approving the permits for the plant. Now -- the council is being asked by staff to approve a request for the state to extend its financial commitment to the project for another year. That means the state would commit to financing it through 2023.
City Councilman Roland Barrera said they are in the early stages of the planning process.
"Right now we are in the process of negotiating for the inner harbor site so that way we can move forward," Barrera said. "We're also negotiating for the La Quinta Channel site however the inner harbor negotiations are much further along."
The negotiations for the inner harbor site are so far along that it's expected council will be asked to approve that deal in early February.
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