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Corpus Christi Code Enforcement weed out tall grass violations

City officials said a code compliance officer noticed the violations on the Corpus Christi Southside.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Residents walking around the Corpus Christi Southside may have noticed a section of Cimarron Boulevard with a large amount of weeds and grass. 

Some of it is even blocking portions of the sidewalk. 

City officials said there were no complaints from the public about the unmaintained property. However, when a code compliance officer noticed it. they took steps to make sure the violation was addressed.

The property is located at 3892 Cimarron Boulevard and filled with weeds and grass. City of Corpus Christi Assistant Director of Development Services Tracey Cantu said Code Enforcement quickly took notice of the property and began building their case.

"Our officer was out in the area patrolling his assigned area and came across the property and then acted to start the case against that property," Cantu said.

Cantu said that Corpus Christi Code Enforcement said the property owner was notified of a tall grass and weeds violation this month. That means anything 12 inches or taller is a violation, including what is on the sidewalk. 

"The sidewalk area is still considered the responsibility of the property owner. So, that area as well as the property are both in violation in this case," she said.

A public notice was put up and an officer did a reinspection on Thursday. They found the property still violates the city's code.

If it is not addressed, Cantu said a contractor would have to mow the grass off the sidewalk and property. Something that would come out of the property owner's wallet. 

"From there we will take measures to issue an abatement work order, meaning that we'll put down the specifications of what needs to be done to bring the property into compliance," she said.

Cantu said the property owner has seven days to bring the property into compliance. The real estate company managing the property said the owner was notified of the violations this week and plans to address them next week.

The overrun sidewalk is just one example of what Cantu says is a common issue across the city. Each month, Code Enforcement addresses about 1,400 tall weed violations.

"That equates to about 16,800 annually, or very close to 17,000 tall grass, tall weeds violations that are addressed by Code Enforcement each year," she said.

Cantu said there is a way to report concerns to code enforcement. They can use the 311 system to make a record of the complaint. That will be sent to an officer for them to address it.

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