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Corpus Christi's Faith and Hope Foundation is on a mission to give dogs a second shot at life

They take dogs off of euthanasia lists and off of the streets in hopes of finding nurturing homes for them.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Canines and their foster parents gathered at Nueces Brewing Company today to raise money and dog food so the Faith and Hope Foundation can continue to save lives. 

Katelyn Pattison is a foster parent with Faith and Hope. Katelyn and her husband have a remarkable story about how they met this lovable pup on their way home. 

"We were exiting off highway 44 here in Mackenzie, and there was a truck in front of us who almost hit Yams. Yams barely got out of the way, and so we pulled over to the side of the road." said Pattison. "I laid down between 44 and the feeder road just trying to get him come to me because he was running up towards the highway." 

Yams approached them like he knew them and he was given a second chance at life.

Katelyn was grateful to have gotten him to safety. "He was pretty skinny when we got him. No one ever claimed him. We've had him since before Thanksgiving so he's still looking for that perfect home." 

The mission at Faith and Hope is to give dogs a second shot at life. They take dogs off of euthanasia lists and off of the streets in hopes of finding nurturing homes for them. 

Kim Griggs, board member of Faith and Hope, says there's a great need for fosters. "I always say that that is usually the most important link in the rescue chain as fosters, because we cannot pull from the local shelters unless we have an approved foster in place. And, you know, if we had more fosters we can send many, many dogs to new homes up north." 

The organization has quite a few success stories. Little Ally was adopted in just one day.

"Most of the dogs that we have within our group right now are pulled from the local shelters, we also take in some strays and we are always in need of fosters and we're always in need of dog food and monetary donations because that's how we function is solely off of donations." Griggs said. 

If you are interested in fostering or would like to know more about the Faith and Hope Foundation, please visit their website and Facebook page.

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