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Passengers rescued from roller coaster at Funtrackers after ride got stuck

Crews immediately turned the power off for the ride while the fire department used their cherry picker to pull passengers off the ride one by one.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Corpus Christi Fire Department was dispatched to the Funtrackers on the 9600 block of SPID when the roller coaster got stuck trapping people on the ride. 

Firefighters were called out when the roller coaster failed to come down once the cars reached their peak height trapping  12-passengers on board.

Crews immediately turned the power off for the ride while the fire department used their cherry picker to pull passengers off the ride one by one.

"The people were in a pretty precarious situation. We were able to get all 12 people off the roller coaster in about an hour. Which from a rescue standpoint is a very timely extraction," battalion chief Jim Devisser said. 

3News was informed that everyone got off the ride safely, but several people were taken to the hospital to be checked out.

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