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Corpus Christi to house the next James Avery craftsman center

The brand new location will bring over 150 employees per shift. The new facility is scheduled to open later this summer on a phased approach.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Plenty of sterling opportunities are on their way to Corpus Christi as James Avery is set to open a craftsman center in the Coastal Bend.

Chadler Moreau worked with the owners of James Avery. He is a real estate broker.

"When James Avery saw the property that we marketed online, they saw a property that could be used as a manufacture facility, but then when they saw that Corpus was an untapped labor market, 'they don't have a facility down here, this is fantastic, we have great labor that we could use and we have the infrastructure' and when they put those two together, James Avery said Corpus Christi is the site," said Moreau.

Corpus will be home to the southernmost craftsman center in all of Texas. It'll also be one of only four buildings with the others in the hill country.

"Hondo, Comfort, Fredericksburg and Kerrville," Moreau said.

The brand-new location will bring over 150 employees per shift, so James Avery owners made sure the Corpus building is big and strong.

"It's got a lot of power, it's got good bones, so it's got good structure, it's a tall building," said Moreau, "the condition of the property is very good. It's a metal building, the structural integrity is still very high and intact".

He said there could be a positive domino effect from this. One the community might appreciate.

"It may even encourage other manufactures, like 'hey, James Avery came down here, it's got a great labor market. Why don't we go down there and tap into and let's see if there's some other infrastructure we can utilize,' so I think it'll put Corpus Christi more on the map," he added.

The new facility is scheduled to open later this summer on a phased approach. Job postings will be on the James Avery website as they become available.

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