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Corpus Christi police win Boots & Badges Blood Drive

Congratulations to both sides of the competition.

Corpus Christi (KIII News) — The Corpus Christi Fire Department's reign as blood drive champion for the annual Boots & Badges competition has finally come to an end.

The Corpus Christi Police Department took home the Blood Cup during this year's competition, which pits some of the city's finest against each other to see who can gather the most blood donations for the Coastal Bend Blood Bank.

Officers and firefighters only have two weeks to bring in the most donations, and first responders from all over South Texas get to join the fun.

"Oh yeah, I'm proud. Yeah, it was two years ago we shared this trophy and then we lost it last year and they're giving it back, so that's a good thing," Markle said.

This year the fire department brought in 272 units of blood -- not enough to beat the police department's 286 units. Congratulations to both sides of the competition.

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