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COVID-19 vaccinations now available for kids as young as 6 months. Here's what parents need to know

This news comes as a sigh of relief for Dr. Gracia, who is a pediatrician with Sunnyside Pediatrics.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Parents and physicians alike have been waiting on the approval of COVID-19 vaccinations for children under the age of five.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have been approved to vaccinate those six months and older.

Pediatricians like Dr. Jessica Acevedo Gracia are happy to provide the latest information regarding this preventative measure.

"Every time something like this happens, I think pediatricians all over are very happy."

This news comes as a sigh of relief for Gracia, who is a pediatrician with Sunnyside Pediatrics.

"It's a vaccine that's been studied," Gracia said. "And so we're very excited to be able to continue protecting the the rest of the population."

Parents may be anxious about allergies, or the contents of the vaccine. And if other vaccinations can be taken in conjunction with it. Gracia reassures parents, "anybody can get the vaccine, anybody with any allergies can can get it."

Dr. Kim Onufrak, Clinical Director, of the City-County Public Health District, shares insight on the approval of Moderna and Pfizer.

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"So for Moderna, it's been approved for those six months to five years," Onufrak said. "And then for Pfizer, since we already have five and up. Pfizer has been approved for six months to four years old."

As with all vaccinations, this one is in place to prevent COVID-19 and its long-term effects.

"It's all about prevention," Onufrak said. "It does help because again, you know, they can't verbally communicate as well as adults, how they're feeling and what they want."

The vaccination process comes in the form of an injection.

"It's going to be a similar needle to what we've used in the past," Onufrak said. "The difference is that the dosage is different. So what we're receiving today at the health department is going to be the six months to four to five year old for both Moderna and Pfizer."

Although the health department has Moderna in-house, they’re now waiting on Pfizer.

"Even though FDA and CDC has approved it, we still have to wait for our state guidance from DSHS," Onufrak said. "Yes, so we have training and a meeting with them tomorrow, before we get the green light to actually give out the vaccinations to those six months and up."

RELATED: Yes, the FDA has authorized COVID-19 vaccines for kids as young as 6 months old

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