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Coyote rescued from Corpus Christi Ship Channel

Rescuers were able to scare the coyote off of the rocks and followed him until they could reach him with a rope.
Credit: City of Port Aransas Animal Shelter

PORT ARANSAS, Texas — It is not something you see everyday.

A coyote was rescued from the Corpus Christi Ship Channel by the City of Port Aransas Animal Shelter on Tuesday.

Posted by City of Port Aransas Animal Shelter on Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A post by the shelter on Facebook said the coyote somehow fell into the water and couldn't get out. Rescuers were able to scare the coyote off of the rocks and followed him until they could reach him with a rope.

When asked how they got the rope off of the coyote, the shelter simply replied "carefully." 

The shelter thanked the many people who helped and called about the little guy. 

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