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Curbside voting available this midterm election but who can use the option?

The option has been around for years, even before the COVID-19 pandemic but only certain residents can use it.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As residents begin to make their way to the polls for early voting, some might consider the option of curbside voting. 

The option has been around for years, even before the COVID-19 pandemic but only certain residents can use it. 

It all comes down to accessibility. One local non-profit wants to make sure those who might be hesitant to actually take part in the voting process because of their physical disability know they have options.

Judy Telge is the founder of the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living. The center is a source for residents with disabilities. 

"The point is to make the process accessible for everybody," she said.

Telge said over the years Nueces County has really stepped up to make sure voting locations are ADA compliant. However, residents who are 65 and older may have a harder time making it to the polls, which gives them the option to mail in their ballot. 

"Voting by mail is very much preferred by older people and often by people with disability, but there are recent laws that have made things really difficult," she said. 

Large crowds of voters have been spotted at the Nueces County Courthouse. The location serves as one of 28 voting locations throughout the county. Gilbert Flores was standing on the sidewalk for hours in support of one of his candidates across the street from where curbside was taking place.

"There's a lot of people who are elderly or handicap, really helps them out. Don't even have to get out of their car," he said. 

To take part in curbside voting, all residents have to do is pull up the side parking lot off Lipan Street and call a number posted to request a ballot. 3NEWS found the same setup over in San Patricio County at the Portland Community Center. 

"Where they can pull up and make a phone call and we send someone out and take the ballot out to them and let them vote from the privacy of their car," said Pamela Hill who is the San Patricio County Election Administrator. "Or if they are able to come into the polling place but not able to stand we will take them directly to the front of the line."

Curbside voting is available to any voter who is physically unable to enter the polling place. Residents can ask for an officer to bring a ballot to the entrance or to a car parked at the curbside. 

"Its been around for years, it was just more used during the pandemic," said Hill. "We noticed our voters have backed off from curbside and are coming back in to the polls. I think they like the thrill coming in and voting."

It is important to note that curbside is a last resort in most cases and shouldn't be used because someone simply wants to skip the line.

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