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Del Mar College expects new southside campus to start seeing students by Fall of 2022

The location will officially be named the Oso Creek Campus and will be situated off the intersection of Yorktown Boulevard and Rodd Field Road.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — After nearly 60 years, Del Mar College is getting closer to having a brand new campus -- the Oso Creek Campus.

Located on the southside of Corpus Christi, the college purchased 96 acres of land to build the campus, with construction ongoing since 2019. 

Originally referred to as the new southside campus, the location will officially be named the Oso Creek Campus and will be situated off of the intersection of Yorktown Boulevard and Rodd Field Road.

Despite impending weather conditions, supply shortages, and the pandemic, construction on the new campus is on pace to finish by 2023. It's highlighted by a 100,000 square foot STEM building which is set to open in summer of 2022.

STEM refers to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

DMC President and CEO Mark Escamilla spoke with 3News about when he expects the first students to arrive on the new campus. 

"The sciences are especially desired by our community," Escamilla said. "All aspects of our community. We've learned that over the years we just cannot have enough science classes and opportunities, because students consume them in great amounts. So this will offer that opportunity."

Escamilla added that he highly anticipates getting students into the building so they can start their classes. 

"We expect that as we get the keys in April that we'll have some programming in the second half of summer, and then to begin filling this building in earnest in the Fall of 2022," Escamilla said. 

Biology Professor Rob Hatherill will lead a biotechnology program there and looks forward to the recruitment opportunities the fast growing area will provide.  

"As southside continues to grow, and kind of strip the housing, we may indeed have to hire more professors for these programs. And we can do that, we can grow the program. We have space to do that," Hatherill said. 

The new campus features nearly 250,000 square feet of building space for some of its fastest growing programs. Escamilla said the new location will save significant travel time, as many students live on the southside of town.

"This area has largely been underserved by way of our curriculum," Escamilla said. "Del Mar, yes, it's been on the other side of town, 20-25 minutes depending on how you drive; and in a town our size, that is of significance."

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