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District attorney, sheriffs department at odds over internal investigation documents

105th District Court Judge Jack Pulcher said hopes to have a decision by next Friday on whether or not that information has to be turned over to the DA's office.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two Nueces County entities are not seeing eye-to-eye in how to move forward in the case against a man accused of trying to escape law enforcement by jumping in the water near the Oso Bay turnaround. 

The Nueces County District Attorney's Office squared off against the county attorney's office before 105th District Court Judge Jack Pulcher.  

At issue, were three internal affairs investigations done by the sheriffs office. The district attorney's office wants those as part of its case involving Jacob Judd, and perhaps others. The county attorney's office said the district attorney shouldn't get the records.

"The sheriffs office is not trying to hide any information from the prosecution that the records in question are under garrity protection," said Nueces County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy David Cook.

Nueces County First District Attorney Angelica Hernandez said that sometimes getting the facts isn't always an easy process.

"It's not always easy to have to stand up, sometimes to law-enforcement agency to ask for all of the information," she said.

Back in January, Judd was accused of pulling a gun on sheriff's deputies who fired at him. The suspect then supposedly lead them on a chase before surrendering. Recently, all of the cases against him were disposed by the district attorney's office.

"That man should still be in jail, and should go to prison for his violations," Cook said.

Prosecutors want to refile the charges and say they may have a case against others involved. But, to be able to look at all of its options, prosecutors say they need the sheriff's office to turn over the internal affairs investigations into the three deputies who were part of the incident.

"Obviously it extends beyond Jacob Judd. There are other matters that are being investigated, and in good conscience on that at this time," Hernandez said.

Cook told 3NEWS that he believes his officers committed no wrongdoing.

"From what we can see there was no criminal activity by our deputies simple as that," Crook said.

Once the hearing wrapped up, Pulcher said that he hopes to have a decision by next Friday on whether or not that internal affairs investigation information has to be turned over to the district attorneys office.

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