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DPS encourages citizens to report crimes through iWatchTexas app

Sergeant Nathan Brandley with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the app will help prevent bad situations before they even happen.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you ever have a gut feeling that something isn't right, or you see some unusual activity, you can report it through an app.

That's right, it's called the iWatchTexas app. By using the app, it prevents emergency 911 calls from being bombarded by a high call volume. Sergeant Nathan Brandley with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the app will help prevent bad situations before they even happen. 

"So if there is a major emergency, anything, any type of emergency call 911 right away," Brandley said. "The iWatchTexas is used to keep from getting to that situation, so if you're seeing any type of unusual suspicious activity, by someone that looks out of place, not in your community, doing this can help mitigate those situations."

By using the app, reports can be directed toward law enforcement agencies that DPS is going to push these alerts to, and they go investigate the matter. 

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