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Driscoll Children's Hospital awaits approval from CDC for child vaccines

Dr. Jaime Fergie head of the Infectious Disease Department at DCH said Corpus Christi was part of the clinical trial for this specific age group.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Health officials with Driscoll Children's Hospital are on standby for the CDC's decision in order to start holding special vaccine clinics for kids. 

A decision that could happen as early as Monday. 

Dr. Jaime Fergie head of the Infectious Disease Department at DCH said the hospital is excited to receive the vaccine. 

"We are very excited, looking forward to the pediatricians, family doctors, pharmacist and everybody in town to join all together to work to get our children protected," Fergie said. 

Additionally, Fergie said the kid sized doses would be a third of the amount that has been given to teens and adults. He told 3News that the DCH here in Corpus Christi was part of the clinical trial for this particular age group. 

"One of the sites, national and international that participated in this. I wanted to say thank you to our patients and families who participated and thanks to their effort we are, where we are right now," Fergie said. 

Fergie said they are also working on the clinical trial for children six months to five years of age. 


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