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Election officials in Kleberg County work to ensure Election Day runs smoothly

Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid told 3News Monday that election workers have been preparing for the election for months.

KLEBERG COUNTY, Texas — Election officials in Kleberg County have been working to ensure that Election Day is going to run smoothly. 

There were just 1,450 individuals who voted early in the County. Historically, early voting in primary elections is usually, low across the State. 

Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid told 3News Monday that election workers have been preparing for the election for months. 

He said he's been impressed by the efforts to ensure that election day goes off without a hitch. 

"Everyone is working together both on the Democratic and Republican side," Madrid said. "It's going to be a great election in Kleberg County. Regardless of the party affiliation just come out and vote make it a good one put us on the map."

Madrid is unopposed in the primaries, but he will face an opponent in the November general election. 

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