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Employees speak about hot conditions in Wells Fargo Building- Broadway Tower

The hot working conditions triggered migraines, heat rashes and swelling for some employees.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — For several weeks, employees at the Wells Fargo Building- Broadway Tower have felt little relief from outside's summer temperatures since the building's air conditioner broke.

Courtney Stratmann has been working at Gregg Knopp, P.C. Law Firm for 17 years. She said they've experienced working in these conditions before, but this time has been the worst one yet.  

"It gets pretty hot," Stratmann said. "It gets well above you know the 90's degrees in the offices."  

The hot working conditions affected not just her health, but also her co-workers' who've experienced heat rashes and swelling.  

"I have chronic migraines," she said. "They were triggered by the heat after not having it for so long." 

Justin Sommer has worked in the building for about eight years. He's worried the air conditioner won't be fixed before temperatures rise in summer's hottest months.  

"Tougher as the months go on because it obviously isn't going to get any cooler from now until at least late September," Sommer said. 

The building management team added temporary air conditioning units last Wednesday but Stratmann said they were removed mid-day yesterday.  

"Then yesterday around 4, they came and took them, but we didn't know or get a heads up they were going to take them," Stratmann said. "As soon as they took them it got so much hotter." 

She and Sommer said their offices have been trying to keep cool by wearing light clothing and using fans to make working in the heat bearable, but they are hope this situation is resolved soon. 

"Like I said, it's not that they haven't been responsive, I know they've been doing all that they can, it's just with some of us that are still here -- cause a lot of people aren't --  some of us that are still here, we need more daily communication on what the plan of action is if they're waiting on parts so we're able to better prepare," Stratmann said. 

The property owner, TYKO Management, said the building's air conditioner was turned on Thursday afternoon.

TYKO Management's Statement:

"Tyko Management has been working to repair the issue with the building’s HVAC system since it was brought to management’s attention. HVAC parts had to be ordered to repair the system, and while waiting for the parts to be delivered, which Tyko paid to expedite, tenants of the building were provided with cooling units. The HVAC system has been repaired, and no further issues are expected."

As of 4:30 p.m. Thursday, tenants 3NEWS spoke with said the temperature remains the same and hope the building will cool down soon. 

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