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'He was everyone's best friend.' Gold Star mother honors her son's memory with scholarship, service

Cpl. Mark Goyet, a Sinton H.S. grad, answered the call to serve his country soon after high school.

SINTON, Texas — Though Memorial Day is often seen as the 'unofficial kick-off' to summer, for families who've lost a loved one in service to our country, the day takes on a deeper meaning. 

For Gold Star mothers such as Martha Goyet, it's also seen as an opportunity to be there for other Gold Star families, and to share with others the story and legacy of their loved ones. 

Martha Goyet's pride in her son, Cpl. Mark Goyet, is undeniable. As she recalls her son's contagious smile, love for others and his country, she can't help but beam as well.

"He was everybody's best friend," she said. "He loved to give great hugs."

The Goyet family moved to South Texas when Mark was just 7 years old, where Mark would grow up to be a proud Sinton Pirate. 

"He was very smart," Martha said. "Active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, he was number 86, a tight end of the Pirates. They did retire his number." 

"We thought we would retire here. We loved it here. We loved Sinton. We loved everything about it."

Credit: Martha Goyet

Martha shared that even at a young age, her son knew he wanted to serve his country. He joined the military right after high school, enlisting in the United States Marines, but had plans to eventually follow in his father's footsteps and become an officer in the U.S. Navy. 

"He did three-and-a-half years in the Marine Corps before he volunteered to go on his third deployment, when they needed more men to go back over," Martha said. "He went to Afghanistan voluntarily." 

In March 2011, Mark returned home to Sinton before that final deployment to celebrate Martha's birthday. 

“I prayed for him every day," she said. "I had a bad feeling when he left, but I knew he was doing what he wanted to do, and what he needed to do."

A few months later, on June 28, 2011, the Goyet family received the devastating news that their son had been killed in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. He was 22.

His memorial services were held on the same field where he would play beneath the Friday night lights just years before. 

The stands were filled with the members of the Sinton community, and well beyond, mourning the immense loss of a hometown hero. 

Mark was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery. 

Credit: Martha Goyet

A hero's legacy lives on

Today, Mark's memory lives on through service and scholarship. 

As of this year, the Cpl. Mark Goyet Memorial Foundation has awarded $190,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors from Sinton High School, as well as from Maine, and Virginia, where the Goyet family now resides.

As part of this year's scholarship application, Sinton seniors were tasked with going out in the community and interviewing veterans. 

"Their stories were amazing," Martha said. "Every one of the kids told us the same thing: that they didn’t even know about the story of that person. We had teachers that came forward, and grandparents and neighbors, and that was an eye-opener to the kids.". 

Mark Goyet is also the namesake of the VFW chapter in Sinton. It was seven years ago when Martha's family received that call. 

"They came to us and we were overwhelmed with it and so relieved that people -- because, we moved away," she said. "We moved away. People forget things. But they didn’t forget Mark." 

Mark's is a name that post commander Todd Richardson is dedicated to making sure others know, every day, but especially on Memorial Day. 

"It's the day that we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice," Richardson said.

"When we started the VFW, we wanted to have it named after someone who was local -- who actually went to school in Sinton." 

Richardson spent 10 years with the 82nd Airborne Division after graduating high school, and went on to the Army National Guard in Iowa and Massachusetts, and then later retired in Texas, with 27 years of combined service. He now is devoted to helping local veterans connect with each other and with the resources they need.

For now, the group meets once a month at the golf course in Sinton, until they find a permanent home. It's something Richardson says he is hopeful the community can help them achieve.

"We are trying to find a permanent home," he said. "Since our inception 7 years ago, we’ve had two previous homes that just didn't work out, and now we’re back in the market looking for something -- property, building -- something that we can call home." 

Credit: Martha Goyet

Keeping his memory alive

Somber as it may be, Martha says that on days like Memorial Day (and outside of Memorial Day) that people are afraid to ask Gold Star families about the loved ones they've lost. 

"I see the difference that somebody makes when they talk about your son or talks about your daughter, and that's very important because some people shy away from it," she said. "They found out that you've lost a child and they don't want to say anything. It's just the opposite. We want to talk about them. I want to talk about Mark!" 

She says its how she keeps his story alive, and his name remembered.

"Memorial Day is all about remembrance, and it doesn't’ mean you can’t have the picnic, or party, or go to the beach, but just remember the sacrifice that they’ve given," Martha said.

“He was everybody’s best friend. He loved to give great hugs.” On this Memorial Day, we reflect and honor those who’ve...

Credit: Martha Goyet

Getting connected

There are several ways community members can also get involved with assisting the Cpl. Mark Goyet Memorial Foundation, as well as the Cpl. Mark R. Goyet Memorial VFW Post #12160 in Sinton.

To learn more about the memorial foundation and donate to the scholarships provided by the foundation, click here. 

There is also a golf tournament held each year hosted by the foundation at Honey Bee Golf Course in Virginia Beach. This year the Annual Cpl. Mark Goyet Memorial Foundation Golf Classic celebrates 10 years. To register or get involved, click here.

In Sinton,  the VFW Post #12160 is also accepting donations from the community to assist them with their relocation efforts and the scholarship that they award each year to graduating Sinton seniors, in honor of past quartermaster, Orlando Adams. On June 1, the Sinton Golf Course at Rob and Bessie Welder Park will host the Orland Adams Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament, with proceeds going toward scholarships and the Cpl. Mark R. Goyet Memorial VFW Post. 

To get involved, you can reach out to Todd Richardson by emailing VFWPost12160@gmail.com or contact: (361) 207-4377.

Credit: Martha Goyet

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