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Homeschoolers take to the bowling alley for a new league

Building friendships and having fun, that's what this league is creating through their weekly competition.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — School kicked off across the Coastal Bend, which meant the start of extracurricular activities. Dozens of kids in homeschool gathered for their first event and the start of a new league.

"I like it. It's fun," said Maddie Quintanilla, a student in homeschool.

Quintanilla is one of many students who stepped up to a lane and knocked down some pins.

"I love it and it gives her an opportunity to get out and be active instead of just sitting at home all day. So, we love it," said Theresa Quintanilla, her mom. 

Theresa said they try to get involved in similar activities across town and throughout the year to stay connected with other families.

"It's a great benefit, it helps her with her social skills. There's a stigma on homeschool kids about not being socialized, but I think that couldn't be further from the truth," said Quintanilla.

Building social skills is a part of the reason the bowling league for homeschoolers was created.

"We just wanted to get a bunch of people together so that our kids can make more friends," said Jessica Galloway, the organizer of the group.

Galloway started homeschooling about four years ago. She said activities like this help build friendships in a fun and slightly, competitive way.

"They do win bowler of the week, so they'll get like a treat for being bowler of the week," said Galloway.

They've had almost 70 homeschoolers sign up for the league, ranging in age from pre-kindergarten to high school.

"It's the most rewarding part of being a homeschool parent," said Galloway.

The league will continue for the next 10 weeks at C.M. Bowling Lanes.

"First time joining a bowling league, but first activity? No, this is one of hundreds," said Grace Atkins, a student in homeschooling. "I love just socializing and all that."

"It's pretty fun overall," said Savanna Beecher, another student in homeschooling.

Both Beecher and Atkins said they are excited to keep showing up and competing.

There are about five more open spots to be filled. You can reach out to the organizer here

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