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Hotel owners, local Republicans clash with city over Proposition A transparency in Corpus Christi

The group "Voters For Good Government," along with local Republicans, asserted Wednesday that November's ballot proposal would be a misuse of public funds if passed.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A group of hotel owners and managers held a news conference on Wednesday to express their concern that the city is not being transparent with voters and stakeholders regarding the proposition.

They said that the city is using tax revenue to construct a convention center hotel.

Joshua Tijerina represents local hotel and business owners, who say November's "Prop A," as it's come to be called, isn't in taxpayers' best interest.

"It's very important that the citizens of Corpus Christi understand this," he said. "What we're essentially doing, if this proposition passes, is giving the city of Corpus Christi an endless amount of money to do whatever they feel they want to do with this sales tax."

The group "Voters For Good Government," along with local business owners, voiced their concerns on Wednesday, asserting that the city's latest ballot proposal lacks transparency.

"Most everything about it is against our state Republican Party platform," said the Nueces County Republican Party's Bradley Batey. "We don't believe in government subsidies to businesses or individuals, so when we went through our platform and went through each of the line items and everything that was involved with this particular proposition, it completely went against our party platform."

The Corpus Christi City Council approved the placement of the proposition on the ballot. Councilmember Roland Barrera expressed his support for Proposition A and suggested that the group may be misinformed.

"There's individuals that have been engaged and it's been somewhat of a public process," he said. "Now, did we reach out to them? Maybe we should have done a better job."

Barrera said that by reaching out to those who oppose Proposition A before Election Day, many of their concerns can be addressed. Meanwhile, local Republicans will initiate a door-to-door campaign against the proposition this weekend.

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