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Rain causes flooded roads, power outages with more on the way for Island residents

Many residents have been comparing rain gauges after several inches this weekend.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Island residents are usually proud of their coastal backyards, or elaborate golf cart parades, but heavy rainfall has neighbors comparing their rain gauges recently.

"We've seen almost four inches since midnight the night before last," resident Ted Mandel said.

Mandel told 3NEWs he doesn't mind the several inches of rain he and his coastal community received over the last couple of days.

"Look, it's great for the plants," he said.

Mandel isn't the only neighbor checking his rain gauge for updates. In fact, if you drive around, you don't need a gauge at all to see the ponding taking place.

While Mandel and his wife are retired and enjoy The Island slowing down for a few days, it's not the best for businesses who were counting on the Labor Day influx. 

Owner of P.I.G. Rentals -- the newest golf cart rental company on The Island -- Rod Lewis was looking forward to welcoming both new and familiar customers during the three-day weekend.

"We just started this business about a month ago, we were excited about it," he said. "This was our first holiday, so we didn't get the customer traffic that we thought because of the rain and so forth, but we still have a lot of carts to go." 

The rain wasn't the only interruption either. 

According to AEP spokesperson Omar Lopez, there were scattered outages reported throughout the weekend, with three of those affecting customers on North Padre: two due to lightening, one being a fuse.

With more rain in the forecast, both islanders are staying positive and waiting it out while being cautious of the coastal flooding in the meantime.

"You got to know The Island," Mandel said. "After being here seven years, we know what places to avoid. Look, I'm 82 years old, I'm going to be careful. It's easy for us to navigate." 

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