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Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales tests positive for COVID-19

Her office said she will continue to perform her duties remotely including Commissioners Court meetings and emergency management responsibilities.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales has tested positive for COVID-19, according to a statement from her office. 

Judge Canales tested positive Thursday morning after experiencing mild symptoms after returning from a county business trip.

"She had not entered a county building since Friday, February 10, and no county employees were exposed to her while experiencing symptoms," the statement said. 

Her office said she will continue to perform her duties remotely including Commissioners Court meetings and emergency management responsibilities. 

We reported Wednesday that Canales was in Washington D.C. to try and secure funding for Nueces County. Canales was one of the speakers at a legislative conference put on by the National Association of Counties. 

We were able to contact Judge Canales for a statement. She believes that the out of state trip was the culprit behind her illness.

"Got home yesterday in the afternoon, and somewhere around the 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, just woke up feeling really poorly and so I tested this morning and found out that I was positive. Of course, I've gone this entire time, knocking on wood and being ever so grateful that I had not tested positive during this entire two and a half years, but alas, I guess the travel and conference." Said Judge Canales.

She says that her symptoms are mild enough that she's been able to work from home.

"Zoom and virtual technology has allowed me to participate in about eight different meetings today from Coastal Bend at 8 o'clock this morning all the way to the Bob Hall Pier just moments ago, Bob Hall Pier committee meeting and so I feel like I'm available to the whole county. Both from emergency management standpoint to my chief administrative duties. Please don't worry about me. I'm doing great, but I will get the required rest I know I need and I'll see everybody in person next week"

We'll be sure to keep you updated on her condition.

RELATED: Nueces County Judge travels to Washington conference to request additional funds

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