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City of Corpus Christi signs off on school zone signage improvement project

The improved signage will use flashing lights and bright colors to increase driver awareness and help protect students and their parents

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved a $150,000 project for installing safety lights in school zones.

This project includes 22 school zone flashing beacons, 43 flashing LED signs, and numerous other LED safety signs. They'll be put in where safety devices need upgrades.

“Our students, parents and all residents deserve to travel to and from school knowing that proper safety precautions are in place to protect them and this project helps to make school zones safer for all,” said Mayor Paulette Guajardo. 

“The goal is to help make Corpus Christi as safe as possible for drivers and pedestrians. Proper and visible signage is one more step towards that goal,” Councilman Ben Molina said. “There is nothing more important to myself and this leadership team than safety – the safety of our loved ones and the communities we serve.”

This purchase is one of several safety enhancements projects for the City’s Vision Zero Program. The City’s Vision Zero Program is a commitment to making our community a safer place to live and play. For more information on Vision Zero, you can visit https://www.cctexas.com/visionzero.

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