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Less, pricier options: Impact of inflation on South Texas Christmas tree sales

Holiday Hills Christmas Trees on McArdle Road have been selling beautiful trees to the Coastal Bend for 34 years.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — With Thanksgiving behind us, it is finally time to decorate that long awaited Christmas tree.

Holiday Hills Christmas Trees on McArdle Road have been selling beautiful trees to the Coastal Bend for 34 years. They deliver their trees here all the way from Portland, Oregon.

"It really is with every business, difficult the last couple three or four years with this inflation, trucking being the most affected," said Holiday Hills owner Daryll Smith.

He adds that they are paying as much as $11-12,000 to deliver a load of Christmas trees from Oregon. Holiday Hills is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week.

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